Sunday, September 12, 2010



Isn't that girl in the feather head-dress pretty? That's my friend, Kate. She has gone and done what so many of us dream of doing, yet don't for whatever reason (lack of money, time, or just a feeling of trepidation). She and her business partner, Jai, have followed their dream and launched an Australian first - Vintage Marketplace - an online purveyor of vintage threads. 
On Thursday, 9th September, Vintage Marketplace launched its business at the very befitting 1000 Pound Bend ( see my own very thoughts on the cafe here ). The party was filled with supportive friends, general Melbourne types (there's a paradox, right there - 'general' Melbourne types!), and fancy fashionable folks. I spent the evening sipping on apple juice from a marmalade jar and admiring the pretty dresses that adorned the walls. 

There aren't many things that make you as proud as seeing a good friend reach a goal that they have been working towards relentlessly. Unless you have also been a part of the process, seeing them go through all the shit that comes along with starting one's own business. I was always happy to help, in my little way by posing for a few of Kate's magnificent finds. In fact, the black velvet dress that she sourced for the pictures in this link was so wonderfully alluring it was said to have stopped all sense of public order when worn. 
I can almost guarantee that slipping on one of Vintage Marketplace's frocks will have you saying 'peace' and threading daisies through your hair in no time at all. And you can't really say no to that, can you?Don't miss out. 

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